API – Application Programming Interface

Seamless Transfer of Our Data to Your Business

Gears, servers, computer, lock, ERP, and API

What is API and what does it have to do with land sales data?

Our application programming interface – or API – enables an easy, seamless digital transfer of information between Land Sales Bulletin
and your business.

All our reports and other documents are retrieved from our database automatically through our API at the user’s request. The server will then automatically send a response and transfer the data you need directly to your computer in a secure and efficient manner.

API information https://www.ibm.com/cloud/learn/api

Land Sales Bulletin offers API endpoints to:

  • Access detailed and summary information for our land sales per state:
    Illinois, Indiana, lowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin

    Coming Soon: Ohio and Michigan
  • Access: add, update, and delete events

    Four endpoints are currently available: 1. Detail | 2. Summary | 3. Sale | 4. Events

Contact a member of our team to learn how this service can benefit your business!