Land Sales Data Services

We Don’t Just Gather Land Sales Data

We Deliver Who, What, When, and Where to Your Fingertips!

Comprehensive, Timely, and Easy-To-Read Reports

We relay current trends that are illustrated in user-friendly and easy-to-understand format.

Our summarized reports allow you to sort through lots of sales data quickly and conveniently. If the answer isn’t at your fingertips,
we also have a searchable database that allows you to dig deeper.

Land sales data and transactions are obtained from Sales Disclosure forms filed in courthouses across the Midwest for
properties 20 acres and larger.

Issues are published monthly or bi-monthly depending on the state, and are separated into 3 sections:

  1. Introduction: statistics, rural land values
  2. Specific data for individual land sales
  3. Parcel Identification Numbers (PINs)

Issue Details Include:

  • Buyer & Seller Name
  • Total Acres
  • Sale Price
  • County & Township
  • S-T-R – Section, Township, Range
  • Additional Useful Real Estate Information
Collage of various reports

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A complete list of details

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To view a Sample Issue

Coming Soon: Michigan

Fall Hills Background

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Subscription DetailsElectronic
Our basic plan & the perfect fit for those getting started
A robust plan for businesses that need to sort data
Access to PDF issue on our websiteCheckmark in a circleCheckmark in a circle
Access to the PDF “Issue of Progress” which is updated as information is obtainedCheckmark in a circleCheckmark in a circle
Prior year of issues includedCheckmark in a circleCheckmark in a circle
Access to Electronic Land subscriptionCheckmark in a circle
Access to the Excel issue on our websiteCheckmark in a circle
Access to Search Engine data baseCheckmark in a circle
Export searches to a downloadable Excel file, which includes pin numbersCheckmark in a circle
Access to 5 previous years of data*Checkmark in a circle

* Contact us directly for older data


(Cook, DuPage, and Lake counties not reported) Bi-Monthly Issue Publication: Feb, April, June, August, Oct, Dec Offered: 2000 | Data: 2000

  • County
  • Date of Sale
  • Township
  • Document #
  • Acres
  • Total Price
  • Price/Acre
  • Soil Class***
  • Buyer
  • Seller
  • Legal
  • Improvements
  • Deed Type

** Read more about how we do soil ratings


(All counties reported) Bi-Monthly Issue Publication: Jan, March, May, July, Sept, Nov Offered: 2013 | Data: 2012

  • County
  • Date of Sale
  • Township
  • Document #
  • Legal
  • Acres
  • Total Price
  • Price/Acre
  • Buyer
  • Seller
  • Assessed Value of Land
  • Comments

Oil Definitions: NCCPV: The weighted average National Commodity Crop Productivity Index value for the parcels(s) $/NCCPI: Price per Acre / NCCPV


(All counties reported) Bi-Monthly Issue publication: Jan, March, May, July, Sept, Nov Offered: 2020 | Data: 2018

  • County
  • Date of Sale
  • Township
  • Document #
  • Legal
  • Acres
  • CSR2
  • Price
  • Price/Acre
  • Seller
  • Buyer
  • Comments

Only included in the Excel version of the Premium Subscription:

  • Crop Acres
  • CSR2 Crop
  • AV Land
  • AV Improvements
  • AV Dwelling


(All counties reported) Monthly Issue Publication Offered: 2022 | Data: 2019

  • County
  • Date of Sale
  • Township
  • Document #
  • Acres
  • Total Price
  • Price/Acre
  • CER/CPI***
  • Buyer
  • Seller
  • Legal
  • Property Type
  • Deed Type
  • Comments

*** Currently not available for all counties


(All counties reported) Bi-Monthly Issue Publication: Feb, April, June, August, Oct, Dec Offered: 11/2022 | Data: 2021

  • County
  • Date of Sale
  • Township
  • Book & Page
  • Acres
  • Total Price
  • Price/Acre
  • Buyer
  • Seller
  • Legal
  • AV/Land
  • AV/Imp
  • Comments
  • PI
  • Land Use Breakdown
    (Premium Only)

Land Use Breakdown Includes: Crop, Dry, Grass, Woods, Grass/Tree, Irrigated, Road, Site, Other

North Dakota

(All Counties Reported) Bi-Monthly Issue publication: Feb, April, June, August, Oct, Dec Offered: 5/2023 | Data: 2022

  • County
  • Date of Sale
  • Township
  • Document #
  • Acres
  • Total Price
  • Price/Acre
  • Buyer
  • Seller
  • Legal
  • True & Full Value
  • Deed Type
  • Comments
  • PI


(County not covered: Cuyohoga) Bi-Monthly Issue publication: Feb, April, June, August, Oct, Dec Offered: 6/2024 | Data: 2023

  • County
  • Date of Sale
  • Municipality
  • Document #
  • Legal
  • Acres
  • Price
  • Price/Acre
  • Seller
  • Buyer
  • AV/Land
  • AV/Improvements
  • Deed Type
  • Comments
  • PI

South Dakota

(Reporting up to 66 counties currently; Buffalo & Stanley not covered) Bi-Monthly Issue Publication: Jan, March, May, July, Sept, Nov Offered: 9/2023 | Data: 2022

  • County
  • Date of Sale
  • Township
  • Document #
  • Acres
  • Total Price
  • Price / Acre
  • Buyer
  • Seller
  • Legal
  • AV/Land
  • Improvements
  • Deed Type
  • Comments
  • PI


(All counties reported) Monthly Issue Publication Offered: 2010 | Data: 2009 with Pin # 2017

  • County
  • Date of Sale
  • Property Type
  • Document #
  • Acres
  • Total Price
  • Price / Acre
  • Deed Type
  • Buyer
  • Seller
  • Legal
  • Township
  • Relationship
  • Comments
  • WI Commodity Crop
    Productivity Class/Value

** Read more about how we do soil ratings